We’ll have more info on Harvest Boxes in the spring!

What are CSA Boxes?

Community Supported Agriculture is a system in which a farm operation is supported by shareholders within the community who share both the benefits and risks of food production. Here at Lehne Farms we offer two seasons (Summer/Fall season and Winter season CSA’s) with one box size that is filled with diverse and pre-selected produce, hand harvested at its peak freshness.

Summer CSA 2024 (Roseburg):

June 15th – Oct 26th (20 weeks)

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What’s available?

Early Bird discounts are available.

If the season is currently going a person can be prorated into the current season.

What are Harvest Boxes?

This Harvest Box idea began in 2020, in response to the initial interruptions that COVID-19 caused and to customer inquiries on how to get fresh produce without going to the market or grocery store. Our daughter Ashlynn became very involved in creating a system offering Weekly Harvest Boxes as an alternative purchase option in the local area. This program is still available weekly, year-round and now matches our CSA delivery dates. This box is packed with the same fresh produce we pack in our CSA member’s boxes.

We’ll have more info on Harvest Boxes in the Spring!

a photo of a variety of fresh produce available in the Lehne Farms harvest box including lettuce, cauliflower, apples, radishes and more

More about the Lehne CSA

Since 2008, LEHNE FARM CSA Members have understood that each growing season has its unique challenges.  As with all agricultural produce, there is a potential for crop failures due to weather, pests or other factors beyond our control.  When you buy into our CSA membership program, from time to time, you may have to assume some of the farming risks with us.  It is impossible for us to provide perfect produce; to offset the risks, we grow a wide range of produce, ensuring a variety of food to fill your share all season long.  As members of the farm, we all share in the risks and rewards of each growing season.  Over the course of the CSA season, you can rest assured that the value of your CSA Harvest Box generously exceeds the amount you paid for it.

More about the Harvest Box

Can I order a Harvest Box from time to time?
Check back in the spring for ordering information.